Fascinating Facts About Eyelashes Extensions


In today's beauty-obsessed world, it's no surprise that more and more women are turning to eyelash extensions to

achieve the perfect look. They are a great way to enhance your eyes and give you a more youthful look. But what

exactly are these mysterious things? And how do they work?

Here are eight fascinating facts about eyelash extensions that will help you better understand this popular beauty


Facts About Eyelashes Extensions

The Functions of Eyelashes

The eyes are said to be the windows to the soul, and eyelashes play an important role in protecting them. They help to

keep dust and other particles out of the eye, and they also help to regulate tear production.

They also help keep moisture in the eye and provide protection against the sun's ultraviolet rays.

Average Length of Eyelashes

Although the average length of eyelashes varies from person to person, they typically measure between 10 and 12


How Often Do Eyelashes Extensions Fall Out

Every strand of hair on our bodies, including eyelashes, has growth cycles. Even with different types of lash extensions,

some shedding is normal and nothing to worry about. Today, we'll review four facts about lash shedding and the natural


The lash shedding cycle:

  • On average, a person may lose up to 20% of their natural lashes every two weeks.

  • Natural eyelashes have a growth cycle of 60 to 90 days.

  • The average number of natural lashes a person sheds daily is between one and five, according to their lash growth patterns.

  • A new eyelash has sprouted in its place, but few of us are even aware.

If this seems to be the case, you're not alone if your hair sheds more in certain seasons. This is known as "seasonal

molting," and it's quite natural.

But don't be concerned; lash extensions will only fall out after your natural lashes have completed their growth cycle.

So, in other words, your natural lashes will not be damaged.

A certified technician glues a single eyelash extension to your natural lash when they apply a set of classic eyelash extensions. It's a combination of the weight of the extension, your natural lash shedding cycle, and the glue's bond that
will determine how long your extensions last.

Not all Eyelash Extensions are Created Equal

Many different types of lash extensions are available today, and they are not all created equal. Therefore, it's important
to do your research to find a reputable technician who uses high-quality products. They will be able to help you choose
the right type of lash extension for your desired look, as not everyone can get the same look.

Eyelash Growth Cycle

Eyelashes go through three unique phases: Anagen (active growth), Catagen (transition), and Telogen (rest) (resting).

Anagen (Active Growth) Phase

In this stage, the hair follicle is connected to the dermal papilla (blood supply), which helps the lash grow. At any given

time, a third to half of your upper lashes (and 15% of lower lashes) will be in the phase where they're growing back.

This ensures that you don't lose all your lashes at once when the falling-out phase begins.

The Anagen phase is the growth stage of an eyelash, lasting 4-10 weeks. The lashes grow at a rate of 0.12-0.14 mm

per day during this time, and the time spent in the growth phase determines how long the lash will grow.

Catagen (Transition) Phase

The hair follicle shrinks and detaches from circulation, and the eyelash stops developing at this time. The next phase,

known as the 'transition phase,' allows lashes to preserve the length achieved during the Anagen phase. This period

typically lasts around 2–3 weeks.

If one eyelash falls out (or is plucked) abnormally during this phase, the follicle remains empty until the end of the phase

and into Telogen. The area will remain empty until the follicle enters the Anagen period again.

Telogen (Shedding) Phase

During this stage, the lashes are quiescent and resting while a new baby's hair develops within the follicle, and the

previous lash disappears naturally. The growth stage of the eyelash lasts approximately 3-4 months until it falls out and

returns to the anagen (growth) phase. About half of all eyelashes will be in this phase at any time.

Read here to know: Brown Eyelash Extensions: Facts, Tips, and More

In Conclusion

So there you have it, fascinating facts about eyelash shedding and the natural lash growth cycle. Of course, lash

shedding is normal for everyone, so don't be alarmed if you find a few extra lashes in your sink. And if you're

considering eyelash extensions, be sure to research to find a professional lash extensions technician in Knoxville, TN,

who uses high-quality products. And they will help you choose the right type of lash extension for your desired look.


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