Eyelash Extensions Drooping Down? Know How to Keep Them Lifted


Picture this: You left the salon feeling like a celebrity with your fresh eyelash extensions. But as time goes by, you notice those once-lifted lashes begin to droop. Sounds familiar? Whether you're a stylist or a client, dealing with drooping eyelash extensions can be a real challenge. 

Worry not - we're here to help you keep those lashes lifted and gorgeous.

Did you catch the drooping right after leaving the salon, or did it happen over time? From choosing the lashes to aftercare methods, several factors can cause the droopy look. Please keep reading to know the reasons behind droopy eyelash extensions and how to fix them.

Regain your VIP appearance with lifted eyelash extensions for a fabulous and confident look.

The Reasons Behind Drooping Eyelash Extensions

Wondering why your eyelash extensions are losing their lift? Take a moment to reflect on when you first noticed the drooping. 

Did it occur immediately after leaving the salon or a few days later? This distinction will help determine whether it's an application issue or a matter of aftercare. 

Let's explore the primary aspects responsible for drooping lashes and find solutions to regain that dreamed lift.

Application Issues

When did you notice your eyelash extensions drooping? If they appeared droopy right after leaving the salon, it could be due to an improper application. Your natural lash angle might be down-angled, and if the extensions don't curl upwards enough, they can end up looking droopy.

Excessive Moisture:

Whether it's water, sweat, or other forms of moisture, they can weaken the adhesive used to attach the extensions, resulting in a loss of shape and a droopy appearance. To prevent this, you must avoid getting your lash extensions wet for not more than 24 hours after application. By avoiding moisture during this period, you can ensure the longevity and lift of your extensions.

Aftercare Neglect

If your extensions started drooping a few days after your appointment, it's likely related to aftercare. Improper brushing or cleaning can lead to buildup or tangles, causing the lashes to droop and potentially fall into the eyes.

Sleeping Habits

Sleeping on your stomach with your face pressed into the cushion can dent your extensions, especially if they are too big, long, or heavy. These factors can weigh down your natural lashes, resulting in a droopy appearance.

Style Considerations

The style of the extensions can also contribute to a droopy look. For example, a cat-eye style with longer lashes on the outer corner can make your downturned eyes appear even sleepier. Choosing an appropriate style for your eye shape is essential to avoid the appearance of drooping.

Extreme Heat

Although rare, extreme heat exposure can alter the curl of your lash extensions. Individuals working in high-heat environments, such as kitchens, may experience this issue. Prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures can impact the curl of the extensions, leading to a droopy effect.

Techniques to Correct Drooping Eyelash Extensions: Expert Tips for Lash Techs

As a skilled lash technician, it's essential to address and resolve drooping eyelash extensions for your clients. By understanding the causes behind drooping, you can implement effective solutions to restore a lifted and flawless look. 

Explore some of the best techniques to help you fix drooping extensions and ensure your clients leave with glamorous lashes.

Opt for Shorter Extensions

Choosing the right length for professional eyelash extensions is necessary. If the lashes you select are too long, they can weigh down your client's natural lashes, resulting in a droopy appearance. 

Additionally, using excessively long lashes on the outer corner of the eye can create the illusion of a downturned eye. Make sure you carefully choose the appropriate length that suits your client's eye shape and create a lash map that enhances their natural beauty.

Use Thinner Extensions

Thick and heavy lashes can contribute to drooping and place unnecessary stress on your client's lash line, potentially leading to damage. To avoid this, consider opting for thinner lashes. 

Selecting the right thickness requires a specialized approach, considering your client's natural lashes and desired outcomes. By using thinner extensions, you can achieve a lighter and more lifted result.

Improve with a Stronger Curl

If you have confirmed the lash length and thickness are appropriate, the issue may lie in your client's naturally downturned lashes. In such cases, a stronger curl can provide the lift you desire. 

For example, if you have used C curls, experiment with CC or D curls. If D curls were used, consider trying DD or even L curls. Exploring different curl types can help you find the perfect match, ensuring a beautifully lifted result.

Recommend a Lash Lift

A lash lift is a wonderful option for clients with straight or down-angled lashes. Investing time to execute lash lift and tint as a certified is highly beneficial, as it complements lash extensions exceptionally well. Performing the lash lift before the lash extension application creates a solid foundation for a lifted and voluminous look.

By implementing these techniques, you can effectively address drooping eyelash extensions and provide your clients with stunning, long-lasting results.

Fixing Drooping Eyelash Extensions at Home: Expert Tips for Clients

Embrace effective methods to fix drooping eyelash extensions in the comfort of your own home. By following these effortless steps, you can restore the lift and allure of your lashes. 

Let's delve into the solutions to help you regain those captivating, lifted extensions.

Cleanse and Remove Residue for a Fresh Start

Begin your lash revival journey by ensuring your lashes are clean and free from makeup or oil residue. Gently cleanse your lashes using a mild cleanser and a cotton pad. This step sets the foundation for successful remedies to fix drooping extensions.

Avoid Moisture for 24 Hours

To ensure that the adhesive fully sets, it's essential to keep your lashes dry for at least 24 hours after application. Steer clear of activities that involve water, such as swimming and showering, and environments with high humidity, like saunas and hot tubs. By allowing the adhesive to set properly, you promote a longer-lasting lift for your extensions.

Brush Away the Droop

Sometimes, tangled lashes can contribute to a drooping appearance due to their combined weight. If your lashes appear to be drooping, fear not! Simply grab a clean spoolie and gently detangle it from the top and bottom. This fluffing technique redistributes the weight and revives the life of your lashes, giving them a more elevated and fresh look.

Rejuvenate with Proper Aftercare:

Consistent aftercare is key to maintaining the lift and health of your lash extensions. Are you diligently cleansing your lashes daily with a dedicated extension brush and lash shampoo? If not, it's time for a refresh! 

Give your lash extensions a thorough washing to remove debris and oil buildup. This step not only prevents drooping but also protects your natural lashes from damage and improves overall retention.

But what if you don't know the lash cleansing and moisturizing rules? Read further: Cleansing and Moisturizing — How to Care for Lash Extensions.

Consult with Your Lash Artist

If your attempts to fix drooping lashes at home haven't paid off the desired results, it's time to reach out to your lash artist for professional advice. Capture a few photos to illustrate the issue and request a consultation prior to your next appointment. 

It is best to search for lash extensions near me to check if the artist chosen possesses the expertise to assess the situation and may suggest adjustments, such as using slightly lighter or curlier lashes, to resolve the drooping. 

Together, you can find the perfect solution to regain the lift and radiance of your lashes.

Get Back your Lash Line with Confidence!

Fixing droopy eyelash extensions may be challenging, but with the right approach, prevention, and aftercare, you can restore the lift and beauty of your lashes. 

Professional lash artists must focus on selecting the perfect lash size and curl to avoid drooping issues. For clients, a little extra aftercare can often work wonders.

Be very sure to contact a professional lash extensions artist if your lashes fall short after all the efforts! 

If you're facing droopy extensions, comment below, and the lash experts will provide personalized recommendations. 

Let's rejuvenate your lashes, get back your once-lost confidence, and sweeten your natural beauty.


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